Author name: Tim van Kooten Niekerk

PowerShell Remove Old Files From a Directory

Script for removal of old backup or logfiles from a specific directory. The example below removes all files from a directory that are older than 90 days. A log of all files that are removed is written to the windows eventlog.

# Global config settings...
[string]$sDirName = "D:\LogFiles"
[string]$sFileNameMask = "*.log"
[string]$sGCIMask = $sDirName + "\" + $sFileNameMask
[string]$sEventLogMessage = "### Cleanup Script Started... ###`r`n"

# Functions and Procedures...
function fGetFileModTime([string]$sFileName) {
  $vFileInfo = get-childitem $sFileName
  return $vFileInfo.lastwritetime 

# Start Main script...
if (Test-Path $sDirName) {
get-childitem $sGCIMask | 
    % { 
        # Get File Last Write Time...
        [datetime]$dFileModTime = fGetFileModTime($_.fullname)
        if ($dFileModTime -lt (Get-date).AddDays(-90)) {
        remove-item $_.fullname
        $sEventLogMessage = $sEventLogMessage + "File " + $_.fullname + " (" + $dFileModTime.DateTime + ") removed...`r`n"

# Finish and Cleanup...
[string]$sEventLogMessage = $sEventLogMessage + "### Cleanup Script Finished... ###"
write-eventLog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Source "PowerShell" -EventID 30001 -Message $sEventLogMessage -EntryType Information

PowerShell Check File Modified Time

Script to check is a specific file exists and its modified time is less than 1 day in the past. This script uses some custum functions from a imported module.

# Import DBA modules...
Import-Module 'D:\Path\To\DefaultFunctionsModule.psm1'

# Global config settings...
[string]$sSubject1 = "SBO:CheckLogFiles Errors Found..."
[string]$sSMTPServer1 = ""
[string]$sToAddress1 = ""
[string]$sEventLogSource = "{eventlogsource}"

# Functions en Procedures...
function fnGetFileModTime([string]$sFileName) {
$vFileInfo = get-childitem $sFileName
return $vFileInfo.lastwritetime

# Start Main script...
if ((Test-Path $args[0]) -and ($args[1])) {
# Request file modified time...
[datetime]$dFileModTime = fnGetFileModTime("$($args[0])")
# Alert if file modified time is older than 1 day...
if ((Get-date).AddDays(-1) -gt $dFileModTime) {
$sMessage1 = "ERROR: File modified time is older than 1 day...`r`n`r`nFilename: " + $args[0] + "`r`nService: " + $args[1]
fnWriteEventLog -sNode (fnGetFQDN) -sMessage $sMessage1
fnSendMail -sSMTPSrvrName $sSMTPServer1 -sFrom (fnGetFQDN -swIsEmail) -sTo $sToAddress1 -sSubject $sSubject1 -sBody $sMessage1
} else {
if (($args[1])) {
# Alert if file does not exist...
$sMessage1 = "ERROR: File does not exist...`r`n`r`nFilename: " + $args[0] + "`r`nService: " + $args[1]
fnWriteEventLog -sNode (fnGetFQDN) -sMessage $sMessage1
fnSendMail -sSMTPSrvrName $sSMTPServer1 -sFrom (fnGetFQDN -swIsEmail) -sTo $sToAddress1 -sSubject $sSubject1 -sBody $sMessage1
} else {
$sMessage1 = "ERROR: Missing argument... [CheckModTime.ps1 `"c:\path\to\file`" `"service`"]`r`n`r`nFilename: " + $args[0] + "`r`nService: " + $args[1]
echo $sMessage1

GIT Version Control Basics

Clone a Repository, add files, commit and push to master

 $>git clone ssh://
 $>git add [filename|-A]
 $>git commit -a -m "Initial upload..."
 $>git push -u origin master

Create a branch for the new release and check-out to the new branch

 $>git branch release-4.1.11
 $>git checkout release-4.1.11

Make the changes to the files and commit the changes

 $>git commit -a -m "Change description..."

Mark as executable

$>git update-index --chmod=+x

Push to server

 $>git push -u origin release-4.1.11

Merge changes with master branch

A) Merge with master takes place on server. Pull new master branch from server...
$>git checkout master
$>git pull -a

B) Merge all changes to the master locally and push to server...
$>git checkout master
$>git merge release-4.1.11
$>git push -u origin master

Delete old branch

$>git branch -d release-4.1.11
* Option -D deletes a not merged branch...

Display commits and force to specific commit

$>git reflog
$>git reset --hard e072e63

MSSQL Retreive Column Info From Tables

With this script you can retrieve column info (datatype, length, precision, scale and collation) from all tables in a specific database.

-- Retrieve column info from all tables in a database...
USE [Databasename]

-- Declare variables...
DECLARE @vTableName AS nvarchar(256)

-- Create temptable...
  [tablename] [varchar] (100) NULL,
  [columnname] [varchar] (100) NULL,
  [datatype] [varchar] (50) NULL,
  [length] [int] NULL,
  [xprec] [int] NULL,
  [xscale] [int] NULL,
  [collation] [varchar] (100) NULL

-- Get Tablenames...
SELECT [name] from sys.tables

-- Get columns from table...
OPEN curTableNames
  FETCH NEXT FROM curTableNames INTO @vTableName
  INSERT INTO #tDBColumnInfo
       @vTableName AS 'tablename',
       sc.[name] AS [columnname], 
       st.[name] AS [datatype], 
  FROM syscolumns sc
  LEFT OUTER JOIN systypes st on sc.xtype = st.xtype
  WHERE id = ( SELECT id FROM sysobjects 
               WHERE [type] = 'U' 
               AND [Name] = @vTableName )
  FETCH NEXT FROM curTableNames INTO @vTableName

-- Cleanup cursor...
CLOSE curTableNames
DEALLOCATE curTableNames

-- Display Result and cleanup temptable...
SELECT * FROM #tDBColumnInfo
DROP Table #tDBColumnInfo

PowerShell Auto Add Database to SQL AllwaysOn Availability Group

This script adds all user databases which are not yet replicated to a specific SQL Server AlwaysOn Availability Group. After that a check procedure is started to check if replication state for all databases exists and are healthy. Alerts can be send to an e-mail address or to the Windows Eventlog (or both).

This script uses custum functions fnSendMailfnWriteEventLog to send alert messages and fnSQLCmd for handeling SQL statements.

# Import DBA modules (functions)...
Import-Module 'AdminFunctions.psm1'

# Global config settings...
[string]$cAOGroupName = "AO Group Name (LISTENER)"
[string]$cAOListenerName = "LISTENER\INSTANCE"
[string]$cDatabaseBackupLocation = "\\servershare$\_AlwaysOnTempDir"
[string]$sSMTPServer1 = ""
[string]$sToAddress1 = ""

# Functions en Procedures...
function fnAddDatabase2AOGroup()
 param (

 # Create a timestamp...
 [string]$sDate = Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d%H%M

 # Concat strings to create path...
 [string]$sDatabaseBackupFile = $sDatabaseBackupLocation + "\" + $sDatabaseName + "_" + $sDate + ".bak"
 [string]$sDatabaseLogFile = $sDatabaseBackupLocation + "\" + $sDatabaseName + "_" + $sDate + ".trn"
 [string]$sAOPrimaryPath = "SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $sPrimaryServerName + "\AvailabilityGroups\" + $sAOGroupName
 [string]$sAOSecondaryPath = "SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $sSecondaryServerName + "\AvailabilityGroups\" + $sAOGroupName

 # Backup Data + Log on primary...
 Backup-SqlDatabase -Database $($sDatabaseName) -BackupFile $sDatabaseBackupFile -ServerInstance $($sPrimaryServerName)
 Backup-SqlDatabase -Database $($sDatabaseName) -BackupFile $sDatabaseLogFile -ServerInstance $($sPrimaryServerName) -BackupAction 'Log'

 # Restore Data + Log on secondary...
 Restore-SqlDatabase -Database $($sDatabaseName) -BackupFile $sDatabaseBackupFile -ServerInstance $($sSecondaryServerName) -NoRecovery
 Restore-SqlDatabase -Database $($sDatabaseName) -BackupFile $sDatabaseLogFile -ServerInstance $($sSecondaryServerName) -RestoreAction 'Log' -NoRecovery

 # Add Database to Availability Group...
 Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase -Path $sAOPrimaryPath -Database $($sDatabaseName)
 Add-SqlAvailabilityDatabase -Path $sAOSecondaryPath -Database $($sDatabaseName)

function fnSetAllDatabases2FullRecovery()
 param (
  [string]$sQuery9 = "-- Declarations and temptables... `
                      DECLARE @iNumRecs int, @iRecNum int = 1, @vCommand nvarchar(max) `
                      CREATE TABLE #tCommands (ID int IDENTITY(1,1), Command nvarchar(max)) `
                      -- Insert Commands into temptable... `
                      INSERT INTO #tCommands (Command) `
                      SELECT N'ALTER DATABASE [' + name + '] SET RECOVERY FULL WITH NO_WAIT' `
                      FROM [master].[sys].[databases] `
                      WHERE recovery_model_desc = 'SIMPLE' AND name NOT in ('master', 'msdb', 'tempdb') `
                      -- Execute commands from temptable... `
                      SELECT @iNumRecs = COUNT(*) FROM #tCommands `
                      WHILE @iRecNum <= @iNumRecs `
                      BEGIN `
                        SELECT @vCommand = Command FROM #tCommands `
                        WHERE ID = @iRecNum `
                        -- Execute command and increase record number... `
                        -- EXECUTE(@vCommand) --Alternative, Not preferred... `
                        EXECUTE sys.sp_executesql @stmt = @vCommand `
                        SET @iRecNum += 1 `
                      END `
                      -- Cleanup... ` 
                      DROP TABLE #tCommands"
  fnSQLCmd -sInstance $($sDBServerName) -sQuery $sQuery9 -sDatabase "master" 

### Start main script... ###

# First we set all databases to full recovery...
fnSetAllDatabases2FullRecovery -sDBServerName $($cAOListenerName)

# Retrieve AlwaysOn information from listener...
[string]$sQuery0 = "-- Retrieve AllwaysOn information and status... `
                    SELECT nim.ag_name, arcs.replica_id, arcs.replica_server_name, arcs.join_state, `
                    arcs.join_state_desc, ars.is_local, ars.role, ars.role_desc, `
                    ars.operational_state, ars.operational_state_desc, ars.recovery_health, `
                    ars.recovery_health_desc, ars.synchronization_health, ars.synchronization_health_desc `
                    FROM [master].[sys].dm_hadr_availability_replica_states ars `
                    INNER JOIN [master].[sys].dm_hadr_availability_replica_cluster_states arcs ON ars.replica_id = arcs.replica_id `
                    INNER JOIN [master].[sys].dm_hadr_name_id_map nim ON arcs.group_id = nim.ag_id"
if ($oResult0) { Remove-Variable -name oResult0 }
# Force in object so we can always count...
[Object[]]($oResult0) = fnSQLCmd -sInstance $($cAOListenerName) -sQuery $sQuery0 -sDatabase "master"

# Retrieve primary and secondary nodes for group...
foreach($rows0 in $oResult0) {
  if (($rows0["ag_name"] -eq $($cAOGroupName)) -and ($rows0["role"] -eq "1")) { 
    [string]$cPrimaryServerName = $rows0["replica_server_name"] 
    [string]$cPrimaryReplicaID = $rows0["replica_id"]
  if (($rows0["ag_name"] -eq $($cAOGroupName)) -and ($rows0["role"] -eq "2")) { [string]$cSecondaryServerName = $rows0["replica_server_name"] }

# Retrieve database names...
[string]$sQuery1 = "-- Return all unreplicated databases without `
                    SELECT name FROM [master].[sys].[databases] `
                    WHERE name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','msdb','SSISDB') `
                    AND replica_id IS NULL"
if ($oResult1) { Remove-Variable -name oResult1 }
[Object[]]($oResult1) = fnSQLCmd -sInstance $($cAOListenerName) -sQuery $sQuery1 -sDatabase "master" 

# Process the rows returned...
foreach($rows1 in $oResult1) {
  if (($cPrimaryServerName) -and ($cPrimaryServerName)) {
  fnAddDatabase2AOGroup -sAOGroupName $cAOGroupName -sDatabaseName ($rows1["name"]) -sPrimaryServerName $cPrimaryServerName -sSecondaryServerName $cSecondaryServerName -sDatabaseBackupLocation $cDatabaseBackupLocation

# Check database replication state...
Start-Sleep -m 10000
[string]$sQuery2 = "-- Check database replication state... `
                    SELECT, db.replica_id, synchronization_state, synchronization_health_desc `
                    FROM [master].[sys].[databases] db `
                    LEFT OUTER JOIN [master].[sys].[dm_hadr_database_replica_states] dbrs ON db.database_id = dbrs.database_id `
                    WHERE name NOT IN ('master','tempdb','model','msdb', 'SSISDB') `
                    AND (db.replica_id IS NULL OR synchronization_state  2)"
# Force in object so we can always count...
if ($oResult2) { Remove-Variable -name oResult2 }
[Object[]]($oResult2) = fnSQLCmd -sInstance $($cAOListenerName) -sQuery $sQuery2 -sDatabase "master"

# Send report if sync state  2 or database not replicated... 
if ($oResult2.Count -gt 0) {
  # Build HTML body...
  [string]$sHTML_Body1 = "th {background-color: grey;} td {background-color: lightblue;}"
  [string]$sHTML_Body1 += $oResult2 | ConvertTo-Html name, replica_id, synchronization_health_desc -Fragment
  [string]$sHTML_Body1 += ""
  # Build TEXT body...
  [string]$sResult2 = $oResult2 | Out-String
  [string]$sTEXT_Body1 = $sResult2

  # Send messages...
  [string]$sSubject1 = ($cAOListenerName.Replace("\", "_")) + ":Database(s) not replicated..."
  fnSendMail -sSMTPSrvrName $sSMTPServer1 -sFrom (fnGetFQDN -swIsEmail) -sTo $sToAddress1 -sSubject $sSubject1 -sBody $sHTML_Body1 -swIsBodyHTML

  # Write to Eventlog...
  $sTEXT_Body1 = $sSubject1 + $sTEXT_Body1
  fnWriteEventLog -sNode ($cAOListenerName.Replace("\", "_")) -sMessage $sTEXT_Body1

PowerShell Webservices Probe

The following script reads URL’s from an array to check if specific web services are online. When the script finds that one or more services are offline it sends an e-mail message (HTML). A TEXT version of the message is created in the Windows EventLog.

Het script uses custum functions: fnSendMail en fnWriteEventLog om berichten af te handelen.

# Global config settings...
[string]$sSMTPServer1 = ""
[string]$sSubject1 = "EXAMPLE:WebService probes..."
[string]$sToAddress1 = ""
[string]$sEventLogSource = "EVENTLOGSOURCE"
[switch]$swAlarm = $false
[array]$aWebServices1 = @(

# Functions and procedures...
function fnProbeWebSvc() {
  param (
  $oWebSvc1 = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $sWebSvcWSDL
  if ($oWebSvc1) {
    [switch]$swWebSvcIsAlive = $true
  } else {
    [switch]$swWebSvcIsAlive = $false
  return $swWebSvcIsAlive

# Start Main script...
# Create array for results...
[array]$aWebServiceState = @()

# Fill table from array...
foreach ($row1_aWebServices1 in $aWebServices1) {
  $oWebServiceState = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    'WebService' = $row1_aWebServices1
    'IsAlive' = (fnProbeWebSvc -sWebSvcWSDL $row1_aWebServices1) }
  # FLip Alarm status if fnProbeWebSvc return value is false...  
  if ($oWebServiceState.IsAlive -eq $false) {[switch]$swAlarm = $true}
  $aWebServiceState += $oWebServiceState

# Build HTML and TEXT body w. array data if alarm status is set to true...
if ($swAlarm -eq $true) {
  # Body header HTML...
  $sbBody1_HTML = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
  [void]$sbBody1_HTML.Append("<table><tbody><tr bgcolor='grey'><th>WebService</th><th>IsAlive</th></tr>`r`n")

  # Body header TEXT...
  $sbBody1_TEXT = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
  [void]$sbBody1_TEXT.Append("Webservice(s) offline. Contact your administrators.`r`n`r`n")

  # Build table rows from array...
  foreach ($row1_aWebServiceState in $aWebServiceState) {
    # Build table rows HTML...
    [void]$sbBody1_HTML.Append("<tr bgcolor='lightblue'><td>")
    # Row Coloring...
    if ($row1_aWebServiceState.IsAlive -eq $true) {
      [void]$sbBody1_HTML.Append("</td><td bgcolor='lightgreen'>")
    } else {
      [void]$sbBody1_HTML.Append("</td><td bgcolor='lightpink'>")

    # Build table rows TEXT (only show failed services...
      if ($row1_aWebServiceState.IsAlive -eq $false) {
        [void]$sbBody1_TEXT.Append(": ")

  # Mail body footer...

  # Send HTML body in mail to admins...
  [string]$sBody1 = $sbBody1_HTML.ToString()
  fnSendMail -sSMTPSrvrName $sSMTPServer1 -sFrom (fnGetFQDN -swIsEmail) -sTo $sToAddress1 -sSubject $sSubject1 -sBody $sBody1 -swIsBodyHTML

  # Send text body to eventlog...
  fnWriteEventLog -sNode "NODENAME" -sMessage $sbBody1_TEXT.ToString() 

PowerShell Get Local Machine FQDN Function

The example function below retrieves the FQDN of the machine on which the script is running. The switch option swIsEmail can be activated to construct a noreply email address.

function fnGetFQDN() {
  param (
    [switch]$swIsEmail = $false
  $oNETIP = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()
  if ($swIsEmail -eq $true) {
    [string]$Return1 = "noreply@" + $oNETIP.HostName + "." + $oNETIP.DomainName
  } else {
    [string]$Return1 = $oNETIP.HostName + "." + $oNETIP.DomainName
  return $Return1

PowerShell SQL Query Function

The function below can be used to a query to a database. The script returns any error as a result (2 lines).

function fnSQLCmd([string]$sInstance, [string]$sQuery, [string]$sDatabase) {
  # Register SQPPS Module...
  $oSQLPSModule = Get-Module | Where {$ -eq "SQLPS" }
  if ($oSQLPSModule.Count -eq 0) {
    Import-Module "SQLPS" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

  if ($sDatabase) {
    [string]$sQuery = "Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance " + $sInstance + " -Database " + $sDatabase + " -QueryTimeout 30 -Query `"" + $sQuery + "`" ; if (`$? -eq `$false) { @{`"ERROR0`" = `$error[0]}; @{`"ERROR1`" = `$error[1]} }" 
  } else {
    [string]$sQuery = "Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance " + $sInstance + " -QueryTimeout 30 -Query `"" + $sQuery + "`" ; if (`$? -eq `$false) { @{`"ERROR0`" = `$error[0]}; @{`"ERROR1`" = `$error[1]} }" 
  return Invoke-Expression $sQuery


PowerShell Write Windows Eventlog

The following function can be used to write to the Windows EventLog in a standard way. Some of the scripts on this site use this custum function.

function fnWriteEventLog() {
  param (
    [string]$sEventLogSource = "DEFAULTLOGSOURCE", 
    [int]$iEventID = 1001, 
    [string]$sType = "Error"
  if ( ($sNode) -and ($sMessage) ) {
    [string]$sFormatMessage = "Node: " + $sNode + "`r`n`r`n" + $sMessage
    Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $sEventLogSource -EntryType $sType -EventID $iEventID -Message $sFormatMessage
  } else {
    return "ERROR: fnWriteEventLog missing arguments..."