
About & Search

TIMVKN.NL/TECH hosts a repository of scripts and patterns I have created over the course of time.

My Frequently Used CLI Commands / Admin Tools (QuickRef)Description
dsa.msc / adsiedit.msc / virtmgmt.msc Active Directory Users & Computers / ADSI Edit / Hyper-V Manager
start-process powershell -verb runasStart PowerShell with Elevated Privileges
rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariablesEdit Windows system environment variables
cacls “C:\Path\To\File.TXT” /E /G way to add write permission to a filesystem resource
java -jar target/packagename-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jarStart package with TLS handshake debugging enabled

PowerShell Grep Recent Logfiles

I’ve written this PowerShell script to search for specific txt in recent logfiles (changed within last 24 hours). The output is returned to standard out.

# *****************************************************************************
# Written_by: Tim van Kooten Niekerk
# Versie: 20120522B
# Info: PowerShell script to search for specific text in files modified in the last 24 hours.
# *****************************************************************************

# Functions en Procedures...
function fGetFileModTime([string]$sFileName) {
  $vFileInfo = get-childitem $sFileName
  return $vFileInfo.lastwritetime 

function fSendMessage([string]$sNode, [string]$sApplication, [string]$sMessage) {
  # And send result to operations...
  #return Start-Process...

# Start Main script...
if (($args[0]) -and ($args[1]) -and ($args[2]) -and ($args[3])) {
  # Check if path exists...
  if (Test-Path $args[0]) {
    # Check for searchterm in files modified in the last 24 hours...
    [boolean]$bResultFound = $false
    [string]$sSearchTerm = $args[1]
    Get-ChildItem $($args[0]) | where {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddHours(-24)} |
      % {
	    $oResult1 = select-string -path $_.fullname -pattern $sSearchTerm -context 0 
	    if (($oResult1.Linenumber -gt 0) -or ($oResult1.Count -gt 0)) { 
	      $sResult1 = $oResult1 | format-list -property line,path,linenumber | Out-String
	      [string]$sResultMerge = [string]$sResultMerge + $sResult1
	      $bResultFound = $true
    # $sResult1 = select-string -path $($args[0]) -pattern $($args[1]) -context 0 
    # Send message when searchterm is found...
    if ($bResultFound -eq $true) {
      $sMessage1 = "Searchterm [" + $args[1] + "] found in recent logfiles... `r`n`r`nRESULT:"
      fSendMessage $args[2] $args[3] $sMessage1 
  } else {
    $sMessage1 = "Error executing ... `r`n`r`nERROR: Pad niet gevonden."
    fSendMessage $args[2] $args[3] $sMessage1  
} else {
  "Error executing script... `r`n`r`nERROR: Arguments missing."
  "SYNTAX: checklogfiles.ps1 `"<c:pathtodir*.log>`" `"<searchterm>`" `"<hostname>`" `"<service>`""