GIT Version Control Basics

Clone a Repository, add files, commit and push to master

 $>git clone ssh://
 $>git add [filename|-A]
 $>git commit -a -m "Initial upload..."
 $>git push -u origin master

Create a branch for the new release and check-out to the new branch

 $>git branch release-4.1.11
 $>git checkout release-4.1.11

Make the changes to the files and commit the changes

 $>git commit -a -m "Change description..."

Mark as executable

$>git update-index --chmod=+x

Push to server

 $>git push -u origin release-4.1.11

Merge changes with master branch

A) Merge with master takes place on server. Pull new master branch from server...
$>git checkout master
$>git pull -a

B) Merge all changes to the master locally and push to server...
$>git checkout master
$>git merge release-4.1.11
$>git push -u origin master

Delete old branch

$>git branch -d release-4.1.11
* Option -D deletes a not merged branch...

Display commits and force to specific commit

$>git reflog
$>git reset --hard e072e63