
PowerShell Admin Functions (Module)

Some usefull (and less usefull) admin functions…

function fnGetFQDN() {
  param (
	  [switch]$swIsEmail = $false
  $oNETIP = [System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties]::GetIPGlobalProperties()
  if ($swIsEmail -eq $true) {
    [string]$Return1 = "noreply@" + $oNETIP.HostName + "." + $oNETIP.DomainName
  } else {
    [string]$Return1 = $oNETIP.HostName + "." + $oNETIP.DomainName
  return $Return1
# Do not forget to register the eventlogsources in windows before you use this function...
function fnWriteEventLog() {
  param (
    [string]$sEventLogSource = "DBA",  
    [int]$iEventID = 1001, 
    [string]$sType = "Error"
  if ( ($sNode) -and ($sMessage) ) {
    [string]$sFormatMessage = "Node: " + $sNode + "`r`n`r`n" + $sMessage
    Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $sEventLogSource -EntryType $sType -EventID $iEventID -Message $sFormatMessage
  } else {
    return "ERROR: fnWriteEventLog missing arguments..."
function fnSendMail()
  param (
    [switch]$swIsBodyHTML = $false

  if (($sSMTPSrvrName) -and ($sFrom) -and ($sTo) -and $sSubject) {
    # Declare mail objects...
    $oMessage = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage
    $oSMTP = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($sSMTPSrvrName)

    # Pass values to object...
    $oMessage.From = $sFrom
    $oMessage.Subject = $sSubject
    $oMessage.IsBodyHtml = $swIsBodyHTML
    $oMessage.BodyEncoding = ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
    if ($sBody) { $oMessage.Body = $sBody }

    # Add attachment...
    if ($sAttFileName) {
      $oAttachment = new-object Net.Mail.Attachment($sAttFileName)

    if ($? -eq "True") {
      #fnWriteEventLog -sNode (fnGetFQDN) -sMessage "Email has been sent..." -iEventID 1 -sType "Information"
      return "INFO: Email has been sent..." 
    } else {
      fnWriteEventLog -sNode (fnGetFQDN) -sMessage "Error sending mail..." -iEventID 501
      return "ERROR: Error sending e-mail..."

  } else {
    fnWriteEventLog -sNode (fnGetFQDN) -sMessage "fSendMail argument missing..." -iEventID 501
    return "ERROR: Argument(s) missing. [fnSendMail `"SMTPServerName`" `"From`" `"To`" `"Subject`" `"Body`" (`"AttachFileName`" `"isBodyHTML`")]"

function fnSQLCmd([string]$sInstance, [string]$sQuery, [string]$sDatabase) {
  # Register SQPPS Module...
  $oSQLPSModule = Get-Module | Where {$ -eq "SQLPS" }
  if ($oSQLPSModule.Count -eq 0) {
    Import-Module "SQLPS" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

  if ($sDatabase) {
    [string]$sQuery = "Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance " + $sInstance + " -Database " + $sDatabase + " -QueryTimeout 30 -Query `"" + $sQuery + "`" ; 
    if (`$? -eq `$false) { @{`"ERROR0`" = `$error[0]}; @{`"ERROR1`" = `$error[1]} }" 
  } else {
    [string]$sQuery = "Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance " + $sInstance + " -QueryTimeout 30 -Query `"" + $sQuery + "`" ; 
    if (`$? -eq `$false) { @{`"ERROR0`" = `$error[0]}; @{`"ERROR1`" = `$error[1]} }" 
  return Invoke-Expression $sQuery

function fnTCPSock([string]$sHostName, [string]$sPort, [string]$sScript) {
  # Convert script string to byte for write stream...
  [byte[]]$byteScript = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($($sScript))
  # Open 4096 Bytes buffer for read stream...
  [byte[]]$byteBuffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 16384
  # Connect to host...
  $oTCPSock = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($sHostName, $sPort)
  $oStream = $oTCPSock.GetStream() 
  # Feed script(byte) tot write stream...
  $oStream.Write($byteScript, 0, $byteScript.Length)

  # Return read buffer converted to string...
  [string]$sCount = $oStream.Read($byteBuffer, 0, 16384)
  return [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($byteBuffer, 0, $sCount) 

  # Close objects...

function fnSSHCmd()
  param (
    [int]$iPort = 22, 

  # Register SSH.NET ( Library...
  $oSSHModule = Get-Module | Where {$ -eq "SSH-Sessions" }
  if ($oSSHModule.Count -eq 0) {
    Import-Module "SSH-Sessions" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
  # Start Session...
  $null = New-SshSession -ComputerName $($sHostName) -Port $($iPort) -Username $($sUser) -KeyFile $($sKeyFile)

  # Execute Command...
  [string]$sSshCmd1 = "Invoke-SshCommand -ComputerName " + $sHostName + " -Quiet -Command " + $sCommand
  [string]$sSshResult1 = Invoke-Expression $sSshCmd1

  # Cleanup and return result...
  $null = Remove-SshSession -ComputerName $($sHostName)
  return $sSshResult1

function fnGetSFTPItem()
  param (
    [int]$iPort = 22, 
    [bool]$bDeleteSourceFiles = $false, 

  # Load SCP assembly. More info:
  if (-not (Test-Path 'D:\Tools\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll')) {
    throw 'Cannot find WinSCPnet assembly'
  # Import assembly

  # Set connection options...
  $oSFTPSessionOpts = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::SFTP
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.HostName = $sHostName
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.PortNumber = $iPort
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.UserName = $sUser
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.SshPrivateKeyPath = $sKeyFile
  if ($sSshHostKeyFP) {
    $oSFTPSessionOpts.SshHostKeyFingerprint = $sSshHostKeyFP
    $oSFTPSessionOpts.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = 0
  } else {
    $oSFTPSessionOpts.GiveUpSecurityAndAcceptAnySshHostKey = 1
  # Setting transfer options
  $oSFTPTransferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
  $oSFTPTransferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary

  # Creating session
  $oSFTPSession = New-Object WinSCP.Session

  # Sending files...
  $oTransferResult = $oSFTPSession.GetFiles($sSourcePath, $sDestinationPath, $bDeleteSourceFiles, $oSFTPTransferOptions)
  # Cleanup and return result...
  return $oTransferResult

function fnGetFTPSItem()
  param (
    [int]$iPort = 21, 
    [bool]$bDeleteSourceFiles = $false

  # Load SCP assembly. More info:
  if (-not (Test-Path 'D:\Tools\WinSCP\WinSCPnet.dll')) {
    throw 'Cannot find WinSCPnet assembly'
  # Import assembly

  # Set connection options...
  $oSFTPSessionOpts = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::FTP
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.FtpMode = [WinSCP.FtpMode]::passive
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.FtpSecure = [WinSCP.FtpSecure]::explicittls
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.HostName = $sHostName
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.PortNumber = $iPort
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.UserName = $sUser
  $oSFTPSessionOpts.Password = $sPassword
  # Setting transfer options
  $oSFTPTransferOptions = New-Object WinSCP.TransferOptions
  $oSFTPTransferOptions.TransferMode = [WinSCP.TransferMode]::Binary

  # Creating session
  $oSFTPSession = New-Object WinSCP.Session

  # Sending files...
  $oTransferResult = $oSFTPSession.GetFiles($sSourcePath, $sDestinationPath, $bDeleteSourceFiles, $oSFTPTransferOptions)
  # Cleanup and return result...
  return $oTransferResult

XML Xpath Basics


/rootelement/childelement //elementname
Return all elements named 'elementname' 

Get only 1st childelement with name childelelement

Current node

Parrent element


Name of the current node

Display comments

Display CDATA text

Set pointer to external file

Get string length

concat(element/childelement1, ' ', element/childelement2)
Concatenate strings

contains(elemen/childelement, 'substring')
String contains substring

starts-with(), normalize-space(), substring-before(), substring-after(), count() not(), true(), false(), ...