
GNU/Linux Move Data Using Rsync

I was doing some maintenance on my local NAS. I used the command below to effectively move data from one location to another without losing file attributes.

rsync -avzhP --remove-source-files /mnt/das-2T-1/source/ /mnt/das-2T-1/destination/ [--dry-run]

You can also temporarily cancel the move and when you start the command again it continues where it stopped.

I also did some internal replication using replication tasks on my TrueNAS device. This creates a snapshot of the data set to replicate to an empty dataset. The destination dataset is overwritten so this option cannot be used to merge datasets. If you want to merge datasets is best to use the rsync option mentioned above.

PowerShell Sftp Retrieve multiple Files (and Remove Source files)

The PowerShell script below retrieves multiple files from a SFTP server source using the native windows SFTP-client in windows After retrieving each individual file it removes the file from the SFTP-server. This specific script makes us of a (preconfigured) ssh-key authentication configuration, but it can easily been rewritten for password authentication.

    Description    : Retrieve (get) and remove files from a sftp source... 
    Keywords       : Sftp, Get and Remove Original, Move

    Majorversion   : 1
    Scriptserver   : LOCALHOST
    Serviceaccount : -

    Author         : Tim van Kooten Niekerk
    Date           : 2023-03-14

<#      CHANGELOG:
        2023-03-14 => Initieel (Tim van Kooten Niekerk)


function fnMoveSftpFiles()
    [string]$sSftpServerPort = "22",
    [string]$sSftpScriptRetrieveClose = "quit"

  # System variables...
  [string]$_sSftpScriptLogFile = $sSftpLocalFilePath + "\get-SftpFiles_" + $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd) + '.log'
  [string]$_sSftpScriptRetrieveFiles = "lcd " + $sSftpLocalFilePath + "`ncd " + $sSftpRemoteFilePath + "`n" + "ls -1 " + [string]$sSftpRemoteFileMask
  [string]$_sSftpScriptRetrieveOpen = "lcd " + $sSftpLocalFilePath + "`ncd " + $sSftpRemoteFilePath + "`n"
  [string]$_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody = $_sSftpScriptRetrieveOpen
  [string]$_CurrentTimeStamp = $(get-date -f 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
  [string]$_InfoDoneWithFiles = $_CurrentTimeStamp + " | INFO | Commands executed: "
  [string]$_InfoDoneWithoutFiles = $_CurrentTimeStamp + " | INFO | No remote files found"
  [string]$_Return = $_CurrentTimeStamp + " | ERROR | Unknown Error"

  # Retrieve file list...
  [array]$aFiles = (write-output $_sSftpScriptRetrieveFiles) | sftp -b - -o Port=$sSftpServerPort $sSftpUser@$sSftpServerHost | select-string -notmatch "sftp>"

  # Create script for retrieving files...
  if ($aFiles.length -gt 0) {
    # Create get and rm script lines for every file in the listing...
    for (($n=0); $n -lt $aFiles.length; $n++) { 
      if ($aFiles[$n].line.length -gt 0)
        $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody = $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody + "get " + $aFiles[$n].Line + "`n"
        $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody = $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody + "rm " + $aFiles[$n].Line + "`n"

    # Close script file...
    $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody = $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody + $sSftpScriptRetrieveClose

    # Process script...
    [array]$aProcess = (write-output $_sSftpScriptRetrieveBody) | sftp -b - -o Port=$sSftpServerPort $sSftpUser@$sSftpServerHost
    # Audit log - Commands executed...
    $_InfoDoneWithFiles + $aProcess | Out-File $_sSftpScriptLogFile -Append
    $_Return = $_InfoDoneWithFiles + $aProcess
    [array]$aProcess = ""
  } else {
    # Audit log - No remote files...
    $_InfoDoneWithoutFiles | Out-File $_sSftpScriptLogFile -Append
    $_Return = $_InfoDoneWithoutFiles

  return $_Return

PS> fnMoveSftpFiles -sSftpServerHost “” -sSftpUser “user” -sSftpRemoteFilePath “/test” -sSftpRemoteFileMask “*.txt” -sSftpLocalFilePath “D:\Tim\Test” [-sSftpServerPort “22“]

GNU/Linux ASCII Table in CSV/TXT format

Simple ASCII table in (formatted) text and available for download in CSV-format

|   | Binary0  | Oct0 | Dec0 | Hex0 | Chr0 |   | Binary3  | Oct3 | Dec3 | Hex3 | Chr3 |   | Binary6  | Oct6 | Dec6 | Hex6 | Chr6 |
| - | -------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | - | -------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | - | -------- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- |
|   | 00000000 |  000 |   00 |   00 | NUL  |   | 00110000 |  060 |   48 |   30 | 0    |   | 01100000 |  140 |   96 |   60 | `    |
|   | 00000001 |  001 |   01 |   01 | SOH  |   | 00110001 |  061 |   49 |   31 | 1    |   | 01100001 |  141 |   97 |   61 | a    |
|   | 00000010 |  002 |   02 |   02 | STX  |   | 00110010 |  062 |   50 |   32 | 2    |   | 01100010 |  142 |   98 |   62 | b    |
|   | 00000011 |  003 |   03 |   03 | ETX  |   | 00110011 |  063 |   51 |   33 | 3    |   | 01100011 |  143 |   99 |   63 | c    |
|   | 00000100 |  004 |   04 |   04 | EOT  |   | 00110100 |  064 |   52 |   34 | 4    |   | 01100100 |  144 |  100 |   64 | d    |
|   | 00000101 |  005 |   05 |   05 | ENQ  |   | 00110101 |  065 |   53 |   35 | 5    |   | 01100101 |  145 |  101 |   65 | e    |
|   | 00000110 |  006 |   06 |   06 | ACK  |   | 00110110 |  066 |   54 |   36 | 6    |   | 01100110 |  146 |  102 |   66 | f    |
|   | 00000111 |  007 |   07 |   07 | BEL  |   | 00110111 |  067 |   55 |   37 | 7    |   | 01100111 |  147 |  103 |   67 | g    |
|   | 00001000 |  010 |   08 |   08 | BS   |   | 00111000 |  070 |   56 |   38 | 8    |   | 01101000 |  150 |  104 |   68 | h    |
|   | 00001001 |  011 |   09 |   09 | HT   |   | 00111001 |  071 |   57 |   39 | 9    |   | 01101001 |  151 |  105 |   69 | i    |
|   | 00001010 |  012 |   10 |   0A | LF   |   | 00111010 |  072 |   58 |   3A | :    |   | 01101010 |  152 |  106 |   6A | j    |
|   | 00001011 |  013 |   11 |   0B | VT   |   | 00111011 |  073 |   59 |   3B | ;    |   | 01101011 |  153 |  107 |   6B | k    |
|   | 00001100 |  014 |   12 |   0C | FF   |   | 00111100 |  074 |   60 |   3C | <    |   | 01101100 |  154 |  108 |   6C | l    |
|   | 00001101 |  015 |   13 |   0D | CR   |   | 00111101 |  075 |   61 |   3D | =    |   | 01101101 |  155 |  109 |   6D | m    |
|   | 00001110 |  016 |   14 |   0E | SO   |   | 00111110 |  076 |   62 |   3E | >    |   | 01101110 |  156 |  110 |   6E | n    |
|   | 00001111 |  017 |   15 |   0F | SI   |   | 00111111 |  077 |   63 |   3F | ?    |   | 01101111 |  157 |  111 |   6F | o    |
|   | 00010000 |  020 |   16 |   10 | DLE  |   | 01000000 |  100 |   64 |   40 | @    |   | 01110000 |  160 |  112 |   70 | p    |
|   | 00010001 |  021 |   17 |   11 | DC1  |   | 01000001 |  101 |   65 |   41 | A    |   | 01110001 |  161 |  113 |   71 | q    |
|   | 00010010 |  022 |   18 |   12 | DC2  |   | 01000010 |  102 |   66 |   42 | B    |   | 01110010 |  162 |  114 |   72 | r    |
|   | 00010011 |  023 |   19 |   13 | DC3  |   | 01000011 |  103 |   67 |   43 | C    |   | 01110011 |  163 |  115 |   73 | s    |
|   | 00010100 |  024 |   20 |   14 | DC4  |   | 01000100 |  104 |   68 |   44 | D    |   | 01110100 |  164 |  116 |   74 | t    |
|   | 00010101 |  025 |   21 |   15 | NAK  |   | 01000101 |  105 |   69 |   45 | E    |   | 01110101 |  165 |  117 |   75 | u    |
|   | 00010110 |  026 |   22 |   16 | SYN  |   | 01000110 |  106 |   70 |   46 | F    |   | 01110110 |  166 |  118 |   76 | v    |
|   | 00010111 |  027 |   23 |   17 | ETB  |   | 01000111 |  107 |   71 |   47 | G    |   | 01110111 |  167 |  119 |   77 | w    |
|   | 00011000 |  030 |   24 |   18 | CAN  |   | 01001000 |  110 |   72 |   48 | H    |   | 01111000 |  170 |  120 |   78 | x    |
|   | 00011001 |  031 |   25 |   19 | EM   |   | 01001001 |  111 |   73 |   49 | I    |   | 01111001 |  171 |  121 |   79 | y    |
|   | 00011010 |  032 |   26 |   1A | SUB  |   | 01001010 |  112 |   74 |   4A | J    |   | 01111010 |  172 |  122 |   7A | z    |
|   | 00011011 |  033 |   27 |   1B | ESC  |   | 01001011 |  113 |   75 |   4B | K    |   | 01111011 |  173 |  123 |   7B | {    |
|   | 00011100 |  034 |   28 |   1C | FS   |   | 01001100 |  114 |   76 |   4C | L    |   | 01111100 |  174 |  124 |   7C | |    |
|   | 00011101 |  035 |   29 |   1D | GS   |   | 01001101 |  115 |   77 |   4D | M    |   | 01111101 |  175 |  125 |   7D | }    |
|   | 00011110 |  036 |   30 |   1E | RS   |   | 01001110 |  116 |   78 |   4E | N    |   | 01111110 |  176 |  126 |   7E | ~    |
|   | 00011111 |  037 |   31 |   1F | US   |   | 01001111 |  117 |   79 |   4F | O    |   | 01111111 |  177 |  127 |   7F | DEL  |
|   | 00100000 |  040 |   32 |   20 |      |   | 01010000 |  120 |   80 |   50 | P    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100001 |  041 |   33 |   21 | !    |   | 01010001 |  121 |   81 |   51 | Q    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100010 |  042 |   34 |   22 | "    |   | 01010010 |  122 |   82 |   52 | R    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100011 |  043 |   35 |   23 | #    |   | 01010011 |  123 |   83 |   53 | S    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100100 |  044 |   36 |   24 | $    |   | 01010100 |  124 |   84 |   54 | T    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100101 |  045 |   37 |   25 | %    |   | 01010101 |  125 |   85 |   55 | U    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100110 |  046 |   38 |   26 | &    |   | 01010110 |  126 |   86 |   56 | V    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00100111 |  047 |   39 |   27 | '    |   | 01010111 |  127 |   87 |   57 | W    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101000 |  050 |   40 |   28 | (    |   | 01011000 |  130 |   88 |   58 | X    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101001 |  051 |   41 |   29 | )    |   | 01011001 |  131 |   89 |   59 | Y    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101010 |  052 |   42 |   2A | *    |   | 01011010 |  132 |   90 |   5A | Z    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101011 |  053 |   43 |   2B | +    |   | 01011011 |  133 |   91 |   5B | [    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101100 |  054 |   44 |   2C | ,    |   | 01011100 |  134 |   92 |   5C | \    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101101 |  055 |   45 |   2D | -    |   | 01011101 |  135 |   93 |   5D | ]    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101110 |  056 |   46 |   2E | .    |   | 01011110 |  136 |   94 |   5E | ^    |   |          |      |      |      |      |
|   | 00101111 |  057 |   47 |   2F | /    |   | 01011111 |  137 |   95 |   5F | _    |   |          |      |      |      |      |

MSSQL Create Database With Multiple Filegroups (QuickRef)

Query to create a database with multiple filegroups.

  ( Name = 'DBNamePFG', FILENAME = 'D:\DEF\DBNamePFG.mdf', SIZE = 100 MB, FILEGROWTH = 100 MB ),
FILEGROUP [FileGroup2]
  ( Name = 'DBNameFG2a', FILENAME = 'E:\DEF\DBNAmeFG2a.ndf', SIZE = 100 MB, FILEGROWTH = 100 MB ),
  ( Name = 'DBNameFG2b', FILENAME = 'F:\DEF\DBNAmeFG2b.ndf', SIZE = 100 MB, FILEGROWTH = 100 MB )
  ( Name = 'DBNameLog', FILENAME = 'L:\DEF\DBNameLog.ldf', SIZE = 1 GB, FILEGROWTH = 500 MB )

PowerShell Remove Old Files From a Directory

Script for removal of old backup or logfiles from a specific directory. The example below removes all files from a directory that are older than 90 days. A log of all files that are removed is written to the windows eventlog.

# Global config settings...
[string]$sDirName = "D:\LogFiles"
[string]$sFileNameMask = "*.log"
[string]$sGCIMask = $sDirName + "\" + $sFileNameMask
[string]$sEventLogMessage = "### Cleanup Script Started... ###`r`n"

# Functions and Procedures...
function fGetFileModTime([string]$sFileName) {
  $vFileInfo = get-childitem $sFileName
  return $vFileInfo.lastwritetime 

# Start Main script...
if (Test-Path $sDirName) {
get-childitem $sGCIMask | 
    % { 
        # Get File Last Write Time...
        [datetime]$dFileModTime = fGetFileModTime($_.fullname)
        if ($dFileModTime -lt (Get-date).AddDays(-90)) {
        remove-item $_.fullname
        $sEventLogMessage = $sEventLogMessage + "File " + $_.fullname + " (" + $dFileModTime.DateTime + ") removed...`r`n"

# Finish and Cleanup...
[string]$sEventLogMessage = $sEventLogMessage + "### Cleanup Script Finished... ###"
write-eventLog -LogName "Windows PowerShell" -Source "PowerShell" -EventID 30001 -Message $sEventLogMessage -EntryType Information