Author name: Tim van Kooten Niekerk

About me / Hey I’m Tim. I work as a systems integration specialist for a large educational institution in the Netherlands. A part of my free time I spend making and creating music.

GNU/Linux UFW Quickref / Examples

sudo ufw status [numbered]

sudo ufw [delete] allow 443/tcp
sudo ufw [delete] allow from proto tcp to any port 443 comment 'allow https trafic from'
sudo ufw [delete] [insert 1] reject from comment 'Denies all trafic from specific subnet'

sudo ufw [delete] reject out to any proto tcp port 25
sudo ufw [delete] reject out to proto tcp port 80,443

sudo ufw delete {rownumber}

GNU/Linux Tripwire Quickref

# Add essential proc subs: /proc/sys, /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/modules

twadmin -m P /etc/tripwire/twpol.txt
tripwire --init

tripwire --check [--email-report]

tripwire --update --twrfile /var/lib/tripwire/report/servername-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.twr

Update script with last report:

lastfilename=(`ls -Art  /var/lib/tripwire/report/ | tail -n 1`)
sudo tripwire --update --twrfile /var/lib/tripwire/report/${lastfilename}

GNU/Linux Move Data Using Rsync

I was doing some maintenance on my local NAS. I used the command below to effectively move data from one location to another without losing file attributes.

rsync -avzhP --remove-source-files /mnt/das-2T-1/source/ /mnt/das-2T-1/destination/ [--dry-run]

You can also temporarily cancel the move and when you start the command again it continues where it stopped.

I also did some internal replication using replication tasks on my TrueNAS device. This creates a snapshot of the data set to replicate to an empty dataset. The destination dataset is overwritten so this option cannot be used to merge datasets. If you want to merge datasets is best to use the rsync option mentioned above.

GNU/Linux OpenShift Where is My Secret Used?

A simple bash-script for OpenShift to determine which deployment configs make use of a specific secret (within the active project).


oc get dc -o custom-columns=",readyReplicas:status.availableReplicas,Volumes:spec.template.spec.volumes,env:spec.template.spec.containers[].env,envFrom:spec.template.spec.containers[].envFrom,Volumes:spec.template.spec.volumes" | grep -E "($1)" | grep -oE "^[a-z0-9-]{3,99}"

$ secretname