Author: Tim van Kooten Niekerk

  • About


    About me / Hey I’m Tim. I work as a systems integration specialist for a large educational institution in the Netherlands. I really enjoy automating tasks and over the course of time I’ve created several scripts to support this. A repository of scripts and patterns can be found in the DEVOPS section Which is actually…

  • Published Tracks Catalogue

    Published Tracks Catalogue

    Most recent tracks: “WAVES”, “HARD RENEW” and “A DANCE NEVER ENDING”. They were all released in 2023. This post contains a list of all published tracks dating back to 1999.

  • Video: Waves

    Video: Waves

    WAVES (Guitar Theme Track) WRITTEN BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk PERFORMED BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk RELEASE DATE: 2023-07-21 MIX VERSION: 9 WAVES is a music video recording for a background or theme track called WAVES or PROJECT 18097.

  • Video: Hard Renew

    Video: Hard Renew

    HARD RENEW (Dance Theme Track) WRITTEN BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk PERFORMED BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk RELEASE DATE: 2023-07-14 MIX VERSION: 4 HARD RENEW is a music video recording for a background or theme track called RENEW or PROJECT 18091.

  • Video: A Dance Never Ending

    Video: A Dance Never Ending

    A DANCE NEVER ENDING (Dance Theme Track) WRITTEN BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk PERFORMED BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk RELEASE DATE: 2023-07-13 (Re-released on 2023-08-18) MIX VERSION: 6 A DANCE NEVER ENDING is a music video recording for a background or theme track called A DANCE NEVER ENDING or NEVER ENDING.

  • Project: Fix Buzzing KRK Rokit5 G2 Monitor

    Project: Fix Buzzing KRK Rokit5 G2 Monitor

    One of my KRK Rokit 5 (G2) monitors was making a loud buzzing noise. Found out online that this was probably caused by a defective capacitor. I’ve decided to replace these since the monitors were otherwise still fine.

  • Project: Replace QSC E12 Voice Coil

    Project: Replace QSC E12 Voice Coil

    A few QSC E12 tweeters were somehow blown out. I’ve replaced them using a QSC voice coil replacement kit. Replacing them is pretty easy. I guess the hardest part is to remove the cover and the horn while the unit was still attached to the ceiling. ;)

  • Video: Groove 110

    Video: Groove 110

    GROOVE 110 (Music Theme Track) WRITTEN BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk PERFORMED BY: Tim van Kooten Niekerk RELEASE DATE: 2021-11-18 MIX VERSION: 9 GROOVE 110 is a music video recording for a background or theme track called CX GROOVE or CX GROOVE THEME. I created this track to practice a drum groove.

  • Project: Recording / Rehearsal Setup

    Project: Recording / Rehearsal Setup

    For my (simple) multi track recording environment I mainly use Auria on my iPad extended with some nice FabFilter plugins. The iPad is connected to a TASCAM US-16×08 interface. Ocassionaly I use Ableton Live on my Laptop. Although most instruments are directly connected I sometimes use a Sennheiser e609 (cabinet), Shure SM57 and a Shure…